Remote Control Feature overview
Anyplace Control
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The software displays the desktops of remote PCs in separate windows. The Remote Screen Window is a primary interface for interacting with the remote PC. Multiple Remote Screen Windows can be opened at the same time in order monitor many PCs simultaneously. You can also arrange these windows in any manner or even minimize them into a system tray.
Operation modes with a remote screen.
There are 2 operation modes when viewing a remote desktop (you can choose between the 2 modes at anytime):
· | View mode.
· | Control mode.
The View mode allows only viewing of a remote desktop (without the ability to control). You will be able to see remote desktop and remote mouse cursor in real time. It allows you to monitor what is happening on a remote PC and to see what the remote user is actually doing.
The Control mode allows you to control a remote desktop with your own keyboard and mouse.
Remote desktop displaying modes.
The remote desktop can be viewed in one of the 2 following modes:
· | Full-Screen mode
· | Windowed mode
The Full-Screen mode allows you to view a remote desktop through a screen that covers your entire display.
The Windowed mode allows you to view a remote desktop through a window.
"Scale to fit" and "Auto-scroll" features.
When the desktop of a remote computer is larger than the Remote Screen Window, the software scales the image of the remote desktop to fit in the window. Consequently, you will see the entire remote desktop (in reduced scale).
However, if you choose not to use the scaled mode, you can also use the scroll bars of the Remote Screen Window to navigate through the remote desktop. With the auto-scroll feature there is no need to click on the scroll bars. A large image of a remote desktop will be automatically scrolled when you move your mouse to any edge of the remote Screen window.
Support of different resolutions & color depths.
Anyplace Control supports any screen resolutions with the color depth starting from 4 to 32 bit. By default, the software applies a color depth that provides a fast speed. You can also set the color depth of the transmitted image manually. If your network bandwidth is low, feel free to set a minimal color depth in order to speed up the software's performance (less data will flow via network).
Toolbar for Remote Screen window.
The Remote Screen Window contains a useful toolbar that provides quick access to the frequently used executions. For example, change the color depth, send special keystrokes, transfer clipboard content, all with one click!